Install Kusion Server
Install with Helm
If you have a Kubernetes cluster, Helm is the recommended installation method.
The following tutorial will guide you to install Kusion using Helm, which will install the chart with the release name kusion-release
in namespace kusion
- Helm v3+
- A Kubernetes Cluster (The simplest way is to deploy a Kubernetes cluster locally using
Installation Options
Important: Kusion requires a valid kubeconfig configuration to function properly. You can provide it via:
- Installation script (recommended)
- Custom values.yaml file
- Helm --set parameter
Note: Default kubeconfig path is
To use a different path, setkubeconfig.kubeConfigVolumeMountPath
to your desired path.
You have several options to install Kusion:
1. Using the installation script (recommended)
Download the installation script from the KusionStack charts repository.
curl -O
chmod +x
Run the installation script with your kubeconfig files:
./ <kubeconfig_key1=kubeconfig_path1> <kubeconfig_key2=kubeconfig_path2> ...
kubeconfig_key: The key for the kubeconfig file. It should be unique and not contain spaces.
kubeconfig_path: The path to the kubeconfig file.
2. Remote installation with Helm
First, add the kusionstack
chart repo to your local repository:
helm repo add kusionstack
helm repo update
Then install with your encoded kubeconfig:
# Base64 encode your kubeconfig files
KUBECONFIG_CONTENT0=$(cat /path/to/your/kubeconfig-0 | base64 | tr -d '\n')
KUBECONFIG_CONTENT1=$(cat /path/to/your/kubeconfig-1 | base64 | tr -d '\n')
# Install with kubeconfig
helm install kusion-release kusionstack/kusion \
--set kubeconfig.kubeConfigs.kubeconfig-0="$KUBECONFIG_CONTENT0" \
--set kubeconfig.kubeConfigs.kubeconfig-1="$KUBECONFIG_CONTENT1"
You may have to set your specific configurations if it is deployed into a production cluster, or you want to customize the chart configuration, such as database
, replicas
, port
# Install with kubeconfig and optional configurations
helm install kusion-release kusionstack/kusion \
--set kubeconfig.kubeConfigs.kubeconfig-0="$KUBECONFIG_CONTENT0" \
--set kubeconfig.kubeConfigs.kubeconfig-1="$KUBECONFIG_CONTENT1" \
--set server.port=8080 \
--set server.replicas=3 \
--set mysql.enabled=true \
All configurable parameters of the Kusion chart are detailed here.
Search all available versions
You can use the following command to view all installable chart versions.
helm repo update
helm search repo kusionstack/kusion --versions
Upgrade specified version
You can specify the version to be upgraded through the --version
# Upgrade to the latest version.
helm upgrade kusion-release kusionstack/kusion
# Upgrade to the specified version.
helm upgrade kusion-release kusionstack/kusion --version 1.2.3
Local Installation
If you have problem connecting to in production, you may need to manually download the chart from here and use it to install or upgrade locally.
git clone
Edit the default template values file to set your own kubeconfig and other configurations.
For more information about the KubeConfig configuration, please refer to the KubeConfig section.
Then install the chart:
helm install kusion-release charts/kusion
To uninstall/delete the kusion-release
Helm release in namespace kusion
helm uninstall kusion-release
Image Registry Proxy for China
If you are in China and have problem to pull image from official DockerHub, you can use the registry proxy:
helm install kusion-release kusionstack/kusion --set
NOTE: The above is just an example, you can replace the value of registryProxy
as needed. You also need to provide your own kubeconfig in values.yaml or set it through the --set parameter.
Chart Parameters
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
General Parameters
Key | Type | Default | Description |
namespace | string | "kusion" | Which namespace to be deployed |
namespaceEnabled | bool | true | Whether to generate namespace |
registryProxy | string | "" | Image registry proxy will be the prefix as all component images |
Global Parameters
Key | Type | Default | Description |
Kusion Server
The Kusion Server Component is the main backend server that provides the core functionality and REST APIs.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
server.args.authEnabled | bool | false | Whether to enable authentication |
server.args.authKeyType | string | "RSA" | Authentication key type |
server.args.authWhitelist | list | [] | Authentication whitelist |
server.args.autoMigrate | bool | true | Whether to enable automatic migration |
server.args.dbHost | string | "" | Database host |
server.args.dbName | string | "" | Database name |
server.args.dbPassword | string | "" | Database password |
server.args.dbPort | int | 3306 | Database port |
server.args.dbUser | string | "" | Database user |
server.args.defaultSourceRemote | string | "" | Default source URL |
server.args.logFilePath | string | "/logs/kusion.log" | Logging |
server.args.maxAsyncBuffer | int | 100 | Maximum number of buffer zones during concurrent async executions including generate, preview, apply and destroy |
server.args.maxAsyncConcurrent | int | 1 | Maximum number of concurrent async executions including generate, preview, apply and destroy |
server.args.maxConcurrent | int | 10 | Maximum number of concurrent executions including preview, apply and destroy |
server.args.migrateFile | string | "" | Migration file path |
server.env | list | [] | Additional environment variables for the server |
server.image.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull policy |
server.image.repo | string | "kusionstack/kusion" | Repository for Kusion server image |
server.image.tag | string | "" | Tag for Kusion server image. Defaults to the chart's appVersion if not specified | | string | "kusion-server" | Component name for kusion server |
server.port | int | 80 | Port for kusion server |
server.replicas | int | 1 | The number of kusion server pods to run |
server.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"256Mi"}} | Resource limits and requests for the kusion server pods |
server.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" | Service type for the kusion server. The available type values list as ["ClusterIP"、"NodePort"、"LoadBalancer"]. |
MySQL Database
The MySQL database is used to store Kusion's persistent data.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
mysql.database | string | "kusion" | MySQL database name |
mysql.enabled | bool | true | Whether to enable MySQL deployment |
mysql.image.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull policy |
mysql.image.repo | string | "mysql" | Repository for MySQL image |
mysql.image.tag | string | "8.0" | Specific tag for MySQL image | | string | "mysql" | Component name for MySQL |
mysql.password | string | "" | MySQL password |
mysql.persistence.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteOnce"] | Access modes for MySQL PVC |
mysql.persistence.size | string | "10Gi" | Size of MySQL persistent volume |
mysql.persistence.storageClass | string | "" | Storage class for MySQL PVC |
mysql.port | int | 3306 | Port for MySQL |
mysql.replicas | int | 1 | The number of MySQL pods to run |
mysql.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"512Mi"}} | Resource limits and requests for MySQL pods |
mysql.rootPassword | string | "" | MySQL root password |
mysql.user | string | "kusion" | MySQL user |
The KubeConfig is used to store the KubeConfig files for the Kusion Server.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
kubeconfig.kubeConfigVolumeMountPath | string | "/var/run/secrets/" | Volume mount path for KubeConfig files |
kubeconfig.kubeConfigs | object | {} | KubeConfig contents map |
NOTE: The KubeConfig contents map is a key-value pair, where the key is the key of the KubeConfig file and the value is the contents of the KubeConfig file.
# Example structure:
kubeconfig-0: |
Please fill in your KubeConfig contents here.
kubeconfig-1: |
Please fill in your KubeConfig contents here.